Inicio > ¿Quienes somos? > Proyectos europeos


This key initiative aims to provide the youth of the municipality of Murcia with unique experiences of cultural exchange and participation in international projects abroad.

Youth exchanges are meetings of young people from at least two different countries who come together for a short period of time to jointly carry out a non-formal learning program (a combination of workshops, exercises, debates, role-playing, simulations, outdoor activities), resulting in an intercultural exchange of experiences and shared learning. These exchanges cover various themes, addressing issues such as sustainability, social inclusion, youth leadership, among others.

Through this initiative, the personal development of participants is supported, as well as the improvement of language skills in other languages, the acquisition of new learnings, and teamwork in intercultural contexts.

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© Ayuntamiento de Murcia, 2019. Glorieta de España, s/n - 30004 Murcia - España. Tel.: 968 35 86 00